Develop and Deploy Multi-Container Applications

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 06 November 2020 in Software • Tagged with software • 12 min read

Following on with previous posts on this blog. This post will be going through how to develop & deploy a multi-container application, our application (albeit basic) will allow users to input a number which will correspond to the index in the Fibonacci sequence, and our application will respond with the computed …

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Develop and Deploy with Docker

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 30 October 2020 in Software • Tagged with software • 4 min read

This post is intended to work through setting up a workflow with Docker. In particular, we will be setting up a production workflow for a web app. For this web app, we will need a workflow which supports:

  1. Develop
  2. Test
  3. Deploy

We also want to be able to come back …

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Intro to Docker

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 23 October 2020 in Software • Tagged with software • 6 min read

What is docker? Docker is a platform for running software that is agnostic to the operating system it runs on. This is extremely useful around solving the 'But it works on my machine' problem. This post will go through an intro to docker and how you can use it. A …

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Property Based Testing in Python

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 16 October 2020 in Python • Tagged with python, software-development • 4 min read

Building software can be challenging, but maintaining it after that initial build can be even moreso. Being able to test the software such that it verifies the software behaves as expected is crucial in building robust software applications that users depend upon, being able to automate this testing is even …

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Shallow vs Deep Copy in Python

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 09 October 2020 in Data Science • Tagged with datascience, python • 4 min read

Shallow vs Deep Copy in Python

One of the utmost crucial parts in all programming languages is maintaining variables. We create, modify, compare, delete our variables to build more complex systems that eventually make up the software we use. This is typically done by using the = operator (eg x = 5 …

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API Routes in Node.js

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 02 October 2020 in Javascript • Tagged with javascript • 3 min read

First off what's an API and more specifically what's an API route? API stands for Application Programming Interface, meaning it's how to communicate with the system you are creating. A route within an API is a specific path to take to get specific information or data out of. This post …

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Actions and Reducers in React-Redux

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 25 September 2020 in Javascript • Tagged with javascript • 4 min read

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, and React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. To bridge the two, you get react-redux which allows our user interfaces to interact & respond to the current state of the application.

In this post let's go into actions and reducers …

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Components in React.js

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 18 September 2020 in Javascript • Tagged with javascript • 4 min read

To put it simply, components are the building blocks that make up the app in React.js. A component more specifically is a JavaScript class or function that optionally accepts inputs (aka properties or props) and returns a React element that describes how a section of the interface should appear …

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Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 11 September 2020 in Software • Tagged with software, infosec • 8 min read

This post will go into ways we can use Kali Linux to gain access to the target PCs! What is Kali Linux? "Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing". Kali Linux is free to download and you can find it at: https …

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Gaining Access with Kali Linux

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 04 September 2020 in Software • Tagged with software, infosec • 10 min read

This post will go into ways we can use Kali Linux to gain access to the target PCs! What is Kali Linux? "Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing". Kali Linux is free to download and you can find it at: https …

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