Creating Animated Plots with Pandas_Alive

Posted on Thu 21 May 2020 in Data Science • 5 min read

In this tutorial we'll learn how to create a series of animations using Pandas_Alive. This post is rendered in the style of a Jupyter Notebook. Find the source here:

Pandas_Alive was created by me! I set out to develop this package to build a very specific data visualisation, which is also apart of a prior blog post which you can see at:

Pandas_Alive Example

pandas_alive python package

pandas_alive is a python package that automates the process of making these animations. Head over to the github repository to see even more examples!


Install with pip install pandas_alive

Supported Chart Types

See the README on GitHub for current chart types at

At the time of writing the currently supported chart types are:

  • Horizontal Bar Chart Races
  • Vertical Bar Chart Races
  • Line Charts
  • Scatter Charts
  • Pie Charts


pandas_alive utilises the matplotlib.animation function, thus requiring a writer library.

Ensure to have one of the supported tooling software installed prior to use!

Bar Chart Race

Firstly let's build a bar chart race of the population change by year in all the countries of the world.

Once pandas_alive is installed with pip install pandas_alive, we import the package, along with pandas.

In [1]:
import pandas_alive
import pandas as pd

Next we need to import the data!

We do the following steps:

  1. Using pandas, we can read the data into a DataFrame using pd.read_csv, ensuring to use the keyword parse_dates on the Year column in our dataset.

  2. Next we rename the columns to make life easier.

  3. We're only interested in years 1800 onwards, so we can make a selection and drop the data that isn't on or after the year 1800.

  4. Finally we convert the 'Year' column into datetime format, read more about datetime format here:

In [2]:
# Data Source:
df = pd.read_csv('population-by-country.csv',parse_dates=['Year'])

# Rename columns
column_names = ['Country','Country Code','Year','Population']
df.columns = column_names

# Only years from 1800 onwards
df = df[df['Year'].astype(int) >= 1800]

# Convert Year column to datetime
df['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Year'])

Country Country Code Year Population
3 Afghanistan AFG 1800-01-01 3280000.0
4 Afghanistan AFG 1820-01-01 3280000.0
5 Afghanistan AFG 1850-01-01 3750000.0
6 Afghanistan AFG 1870-01-01 4207000.0
7 Afghanistan AFG 1900-01-01 5000000.0
... ... ... ... ...
3216 Zimbabwe ZWE 1960-01-01 3751000.0
3217 Zimbabwe ZWE 1970-01-01 5514536.0
3218 Zimbabwe ZWE 1980-01-01 7169968.0
3219 Zimbabwe ZWE 1990-01-01 10156000.0
3220 Zimbabwe ZWE 2000-01-01 11820000.0

2923 rows × 4 columns

As we can see, our data is currently in a 'long' format; where each row is one time point per subject. Meaning each row (country) will have data in multiple rows.

pandas_alive requires the data to be in a 'wide' format, where:

  • Each row represents a single point/period in time
  • Each column holds the value for a particular category (country in this case)
  • The index contains the time component (optional, if not used ensure to use interpolate_period=False)

To convert our data from 'long' to 'wide' format, we can use the pandas function pivot to achieve this!

For any missing data we fill this with 0 using .fillna(0)

In [3]:
# Pivot data to turn from `long` to `wide` format
pivoted_df = df.pivot(index='Year',columns='Country',values='Population').fillna(0)

Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria ... United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
1800-01-01 3280000.0 400000.0 2500000.0 2654.0 1567028.0 37000.0 534000.0 413326.0 200000.0 3000000.0 ... 10750000.0 6000000.0 55000.0 1919159.0 27791.0 1000000.0 4000000.0 2593000.0 747000.0 1085814.0
1810-01-01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 406000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 11970000.0 7240000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 802000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1820-01-01 3280000.0 437000.0 2689000.0 2654.0 1567028.0 0.0 534000.0 413326.0 334000.0 3369000.0 ... 21239000.0 9980510.2 55000.0 1919159.0 27791.0 718000.0 6551000.0 2593000.0 0.0 1085814.0
1830-01-01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 634000.0 0.0 330000.0 3538000.0 ... 24139000.0 13240313.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 887000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1840-01-01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 768000.0 0.0 420000.0 3716000.0 ... 26745000.0 17443768.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1219000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 190 columns

Now that our data is prepared in 'wide' format, we're ready to create the animation!

Ensuring that pandas_alive has been imported, we can now call .plot_animated() on our DataFrame. If a filename is passed, along with an extension (eg, .mp4, .gif), pandas_alive will export the animation to a file. Otherwise, pandas_alive creates an instance of the animation for use in pandas_alive.animate_multiple_plots().

We can configure settings of .plot_animated, such as:

  • n_visible - Change the number of visible bars on the plot
  • period_fmt - Change the way the date is represented on the plot (eg, '%d/%m/%Y')
  • title - Set a title for the plot
  • fixed_max - Set the x-axis to be fixed from the lowest - biggest number
  • perpendicular_bar_func - Set the function to show a perpendicular bar (eg 'mean', 'min','max', custom function, etc)

There are many more settings which you can read more over at the documentation:

In [ ]:
# Generate bar chart race
pivoted_df.plot_animated(filename='population-over-time-bar-chart-race.gif',n_visible=10,period_fmt="%Y",title='Top 10 Populous Countries 1800-2000',fixed_max=True,perpendicular_bar_func='mean')

Population Bar Chart Race

What if we wanted to show a custom function for each time period. This can be achieved with defining a function and returns a dictionary on where the label should be located. Let's show the total population for each time period in the bottom left.

In [ ]:
def current_total(values):
    total = values.sum()
    s = f'Total Population : {int(total):,}'
    return {'x': .85, 'y': .2, 's': s, 'ha': 'right', 'size': 11}

# Generate bar chart race

pivoted_df.plot_animated(filename='population-over-time-bar-chart-race.gif',n_visible=10,period_fmt="%Y",title='Top 10 Populous Countries 1800-2000',fixed_max=True,perpendicular_bar_func='mean',period_summary_func=current_total)

Population Bar Chart Race With Total

Line Charts

Let's show the total population over time.

Get the total population for each year by summing the entire row .sum(axis=1)

In [4]:
total_df = pivoted_df.sum(axis=1)

1800-01-01    6.706962e+08
1810-01-01    3.742780e+08
1820-01-01    1.013967e+09
1830-01-01    8.385709e+08
1840-01-01    8.768713e+08
1850-01-01    1.095515e+09
1860-01-01    1.005687e+09
1870-01-01    1.201439e+09
1880-01-01    1.096303e+09
1890-01-01    1.266791e+09
1900-01-01    1.382444e+09
1910-01-01    1.593107e+09
1920-01-01    1.619245e+09
1930-01-01    1.804095e+09
1940-01-01    1.994912e+09
1950-01-01    2.417460e+09
1960-01-01    2.911371e+09
1970-01-01    3.536889e+09
1980-01-01    4.245110e+09
1990-01-01    5.030435e+09
2000-01-01    5.800368e+09
dtype: float64

Now let's create an animated line chart with this data using pandas_alive.

In [ ]:
total_df.plot_animated(kind='line',filename="total-population-over-time-line.gif",period_fmt="%Y",title="Total Population Over Time")

Population Line Chart

Combining Both Charts

Now that we've created a bar chart race & a line chart, let's combine the two charts into a single animation!

Luckily, pandas_alive makes this simple, as we can pass a list of animations we'd like to combine into pandas_alive.animate_multiple_plots.

In [ ]:
bar_chart_race = pivoted_df.plot_animated(n_visible=10,period_fmt="%Y",title='Top 10 Populous Countries 1800-2000')
animated_line_chart = total_df.plot_animated(kind='line',period_label=False,title="Total Population Over Time")


Combined Charts

Obligatory XKCD Style Plot

XKCD is an amazing comic by one of my favourite authors Randall Munro. Even better, we can style our plots in the same style of the comit with plt.xkcd(). See more at

In [8]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

with plt.xkcd():
    animated_line_chart = total_df.plot_animated(filename='xkcd-line-plot.gif',kind='line',period_label=False,title="Total Population Over Time")
Generating LineChart, plotting ['0']

XKCD Line Plot

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