Parallel Processing in Python

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 07 June 2019 in Python • Tagged with python • 3 min read

Parallel processing is a mode of operation where the task is executed simultaneously in multiple processors in the same computer. The purpose of this is intended to reduce the overall processing time, however, there is often overhead between communicating processes. For small tasks, the overhead is detrimental to the length …

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Distributing Python Code

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 31 May 2019 in Python • Tagged with pyinstaller, python • 2 min read

This post will cover a way of distributing Python code such that is can be used by someone that does not have Python installed. One of the major drawbacks with Python that the gap is slowly being closed is how easy it is to distribute Python code.

At a minimum …

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Python Decorators Explained

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 24 May 2019 in Python • Tagged with python • 3 min read

Python decorators are one of the most difficult concepts in Python to grasp, and subsequently a lot of beginners struggle. However they help to shorten code and make it more 'Pythonic'. This post is going to go through some basic examples where decorators can shorten your code.

Firstly you have …

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Efficient Frontier for Balancing Portfolios

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 26 April 2019 in Python • Tagged with python, data, analysis • 5 min read

Following last 2 weeks’ posts (Python for the Finance Industry & Portfolio Balancing with Historical Stock Data), we now know how to extract historical records on stock information from the ASX through an API, present it in a graph using matplotlib, and how to balance a portfolio using randomly generated portfolios …

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Portfolio Balancing with Historical Stock Data

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 19 April 2019 in Python • Tagged with finance, python • 4 min read

Following last weeks' post (Python for the Finance Industry). This post is to demonstrate a method of determining an optimized portfolio based on historical stock price data.

First of all while attempting to tackle this problem, I stumbled across many very informative articles in which based on what I learned …

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Python for the Finance Industry

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 12 April 2019 in Python • Tagged with python, finance • 3 min read

This is the first post in a series of posts dedicated for demonstrating how Python can be applied in the finance industry. Personally, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the finance industry is the stock market. For fellow Australians, our main stock exchange is the …

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What is MicroPython?

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 29 March 2019 in Python • Tagged with python, micropython • 2 min read

From the MicroPython docs themselves “MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.”. But what does all this mean? Python 3 is one of …

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Episode 11 - Power Quality Explained

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 01 February 2019 in Engineering • Tagged with power, electrical, python • 5 min read

I've always lived by the rule that if you can't explain something to a 5 year old then you don't know it well enough. I was asked recently by some (non-electrical focused) colleagues on a handful of electrical terms and components. One of the biggest things that kept popping up …

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Episode 10 - Python Package Cheat Sheet

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 25 January 2019 in Python • Tagged with python, packaging • 3 min read

One of the biggest skills in any career path comes solely from knowing where to look and what to look for when breaking down a problem. The same principle applies for Python programming. Since there are millions of different packages out there that all serve different purposes, it is often …

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Episode 8 - Anaconda

Posted by Jack McKew on Fri 11 January 2019 in Python • Tagged with python • 3 min read

Python is one of my favourite languages to develop in (if you haven't noticed yet). My favourite feature of Python is how easy it is to share your work with others and integrate other's code into your own projects. However as a project grows and gets older as time goes …

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